pp108 : Run-Time Documents

Run-Time Documents

This topic provides information about documents available at run time.

The documents created and modified during design time can be seen and worked with using Workspace Documents. However, when the documents are validated and published, each document is stored at a different location for use at run time. This topic lists the documents and their associated run-time locations after they are published.

Document Type

Runtime Location after Publish Activity

Application Connector ()

XMLStore Explorer () > Collection > Cordys > WCP > Application Connector

External User Interface ()

User Manager > Roles-Tasks or Users-Tasks view

Role ()

LDAP Explorer > Cordys > <Organization> > Organization Roles > Role or User Manager > Users-Roles or Roles- Roles or Roles-Users view

Java Archive Definition ()

  • <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>\<instance name>\bsf\runtime\deploy\<organization>\.jar - for JAR files generated by WS-AppServer along with other WS-AppServer content
  • <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>\<instance name>\cws\build\<organization>\<workspace name>\cws\<project>\.jar - for JAR files that were not generated by WS-AppServer

  • Web service operation ()
  • Web service interface ()

System Resource Manager > Web Service Explorer ()

WS-AppServer Package ()

XML Store Explorer () > Collection > Cordys > WS-AppServer > runtime > classregistry \ .cmx file.

Web Library Definition ()
Note: The Web Library Definition does not get published to the run time. It is the Web file that it contains gets published to run time.

<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>\<instance name>\Web*
*Note: The Web file will appear depending upon the Qualified Name you set on the project or the folder containing it.

User Interface (XForms) ()

XML Store Explorer () > Collection > Cordys > WCP > XForms > runtime

Data Transformation models ()

CoBOC Browser () > <system>/<ISV>

Content Map ()

CoBOC Browser () > <system>/<ISV>

Object Template ()

CoBOC Browser () > <system>/<ISV>

Condition Template ()

CoBOC Browser () > <system>/<ISV>

Action Template ()

CoBOC Browser () > <system>/<ISV>

Rule ()

  • Rules can be seen in the database to which the Rule Service is configured. These are stored in <Database> > BizRule table - You need to have access to the database.
  • Rule Test Tool > <Object Template> - You need to know the name of the Object Template on which the Rule is created.

Decision Table ()

  • Decision Tables can be seen in the database to which the Rule Service is configured. It is stored in <Database> > BizRule table - You need to have access to the database.
  • Rule Test Tool > <Object Template> - You need to know the name of the Object Template on which the Decision Table is built.

Rule Group ()

Rule Groups can be seen in the database to which the Rule Service is configured. It is stored in <Database> > Rule Group table - You need to have access to the database.

Email Model ()

  • XML Store Explorer () > Collection > Cordys > notification > emailmodels > models > Human Task ID > <Email Models>
  • Email models can be seen in the database to which the Notification Service is configured. It is stored in <Database> > email_template table - You need to have access to the database.

Inbox model ()

Inbox Models can be seen in the database to which the Notification Service is configured. It is stored in <Database> > message_model table - You need to have access to the database.

Work List ()

Work Lists can be seen in the database to which the Notification Service is configured. It is stored in <Database> > notf_worklist table - You need to have access to the database.

Schedule ()

Schedule Manager > Active Schedules/ Inactive Schedules

MDM Data Steward Cockpit ()

The business objects in their respective states are displayed.

MDM Model Browser ()

Displays all the published MDM models. Click > . The models are displayed in the Published MDM Models window.